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Artikel Resume || Mesothelioma cancer

Resume Mesothelioma
     Mesothelioma is a cancer that attacks the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of tissue that covers most of the internal organs. Some of the organs that have the mesothelium include the lungs (pleura), stomach (abdomen), heart (pericardial), and testicles (tunica vaginalis). This cancer is classified as aggressive and many sufferers are not treated successfully.
    Mesothelioma most commonly affects the lung mesothelium (called pleural mesothelioma) and chest wall, with the following symptoms:
  • Cough with unbearable pain. 
  • Shortness of breath due to the buildup of fluid in the chest. 
  • Unusual bumps on the tissue behind the chest skin.
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • Often overloaded by fatigue.
  • Fever is accompanied by sweating especially at night.
  • Swollen fingertips.
  •  Chest pain felt under the rib cage.
    Another type of mesothelioma that is less common is peritoneal mesothelioma, which attacks the mesothelium of the abdominal cavity. the symptoms are as follows:
  • Pain in the stomach area. 
  • There is a lump in the stomach tissue.
  • Swelling in the abdominal area.
  • Weight loss without cause.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.         
    The main factor is the cause of mesothelioma often inhale or swallow asbestos dust. Asbestos is a mineral that is used as an ingredient to make brakes, floors, roofs and insulation. Mesothelioma treatment is commonly done: Chemotherapy is a drug used to reduce or inhibit cancer growth Radiotherapy can be done after an operation procedure to eradicate the remnants of cancer cells Surgery is done to remove cancer which is generally still in the early stages of disease progressionMultimodality therapy. Thist herapy is a combination of three or more treatment steps, such as surgery, postoperative chemotherapy (adjuvant chemotherapy), and radiation therapy to increase the success rate of treatment
Prevention of Mesothelioma
   The main preventive action of mesothelioma is by reducing contact with everything related to asbestos, the main cause of developing mesothelioma. People who work or are often exposed to asbestos are a group of high-risk people, such as miners, factory workers, manufacturers / manufacturers of insulation, construction workers, and mechanics

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